Vote Details for "Net_Cyrus" by cellog

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This is a necessary package, in my opinion.

There are a few things that are needed. I would recommend a prominent link to the Cyrus project in the class-level comment.

I'm unconditional +1 if you add error codes to your use of PEAR::raiseError. In addition, you should not call PEAR::raiseError() directly, but instead bundle it in a method like so:

function raiseError($msg, $code)
include_once 'PEAR.php';
PEAR::raiseError($msg, $code);

Some bugs:

($var == null) is true if $var is false or 0, use ($var === null)

Otherwise, very nice, concise, relatively well-documented (could use a little bit more in-depth for a few methods, but this is your prerogative, it is clear enough)
