[ class tree: I18N ] [ index: I18N ] [ all elements ]

Source for file determineLanguage.inc.php

Documentation is available at determineLanguage.inc.php

  1. <?php
  2. //
  3. // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  4. // | PHP Version 4                                                        |
  5. // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  6. // | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group                                |
  7. // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  8. // | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license,      |
  9. // | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is        |
  10. // | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
  11. // | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt.                                 |
  12. // | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
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  15. // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  16. // | Authors: Wolfram Kriesing <wolfram@kriesing.de>                      |
  17. // +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
  18. //
  19. //  $Id: determineLanguage.inc.php 110339 2003-01-04 11:55:29Z mj $
  21.         // we make it very simple for now,
  22.         // this should be done using a db one day, either one that "learns" or one which is already a huge dictionary
  23. // FIXXME may be each word should be a regular expression, to catch different
  24. // forms (i.e.: like, likes), this is more relevant for languages other than english
  25. // but regexps may consume much more time when parsing all the languages ...
  26.         $languages = array'en' => array(  'the','it','this',
  27.                                             'he','she','him','her','his',
  28.                                             'who','why','that','what',
  29.                                             'with','has','been',
  30.                                             'is','of','from','for')
  31.                             ,'de' => array'der','die','das','des','dem',
  32.                                             'er','sie','es','ich','du','wir','ihr',
  33.                                             'warum','wieso','wie','wo','weshalb','was',
  34.                                             'habe','haben','machen','tun','ist')
  35.                             ,'es' => array'lo','la','las','los','esto','es',
  36.                                             'el','yo','tu','ella','su','mi','ti',
  37.                                             'por','que','cuanto','cuando','donde',
  38.                                             'para','desde','hasta','luego','por','y','o','con',
  39.                                             'hacer','hace','tener','esta','estar')
  40.                             ,'fr' => array'le','la','les',
  41.                                             'je','tu','il','elle','nous','vous','ils','elles','ma','mon','ta','ton','notre','votre',
  42.                                             'por','quoi','quand','qui','ou','combien',
  43.                                             'pour','par','apres','ce','mais','et','ou','oui','non','en','avec',
  44.                                             'suis','est','avoir')
  46.                             // italian provided by: Simone Cortesi <simone@cortesi.com>
  47.                             ,'it' => array'il','lo','la','i','gli','le',
  48.                                             'questo','quello',
  49.                                             'io','tu','lui','lei','ella','egli','noi','voi','loro','essi',
  50.                                             'mio','tuo','suo','nostro','vostro',
  51.                                             'chi',,'perche','quanto','quando','dove',
  52.                                             'di','a','da','in','con','su','per','tra','fra',
  53.                                             'essere','fare','avere')
  54.                             // Polish provided by: Piotr Klaban <makler@man.torun.pl>
  55.                             ,'pl' => array'ten''ta''to''tego''mnie''nami',
  56.                                             'ja''ty''on''ona''ono''oni''my''wy',
  57.                                             'dla''po''przed''za',
  58.                                             'ale''albo''czy''kto''kiedy''co''dlaczego',
  59.                                             'jak''jaki''jaka''jakie',
  60.                                             'czyj''czyja''czyje',
  61.                                             'wczoraj''dzisiaj''jutro',
  62.                                             'jest''jestem',
  63.                                             'ma')
  64.                           );
  66. ?>

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