
HTTP::redirect – redirects the client


require_once 'HTTP.php';

void HTTP::redirect ( string url )


This function redirects the client. This is done by issuing a Location: header and exiting.

The HTTP package is deprecated. Use HTTP2::redirect instead.


Redirecting to another site

require_once 'HTTP.php';


Local redirect

require_once 'HTTP.php';


This will redirect the client to /foo.php. The method will take care of adding the right hostname as required by RFC 2616.


  • string $url - the new URL, where to client should be redirected to.


This function can be called statically.

Avoid sending any kind of data to the client before calling redirect().

The location header requires an absolute URL. If not given, redirect() tries to build one from $url. So if the redirect fails, set the absolute URL manually as argument.

Negotiate language with the user's browser (Previous) HTTP2 (Next)
Last updated: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 — Download Documentation
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