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package.xml for Package pearweb, version 1.16.1

Bug Tracker


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<package packagerversion="1.10.15" version="2.0" xmlns="" xmlns:tasks="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="                                                            ">
 <summary>The source code for the PEAR website</summary>
 <description>The pearweb package contains:
 - cron jobs for the website in cron/
 - off-public web files in include
 - public web files
 - the PEAR bug tracker public_html/bugs
 - the PEPr proposal system public_html/pepr
 - sql defining the database and an MDB2_Schema files
 - a few regression tests
 - templates

 See the pearweb_phars package for install-pear-nozlib.phar/go-pear.phar
 See the pearweb_channelxml package for channel.xml
 See the pearweb_index package for regularly changed content files
 like index.php</description>
  <name>Daniel O&apos;Connor</name>
  <name>Greg Beaver</name>
  <name>Martin Jansen</name>
  <name>Pierre-Alain Joye</name>
  <name>Helgi Þormar Þorbjörnsson</name>
  <name>David Coallier</name>
  <name>Stig Bakken</name>
  <name>Tomas V.V.Cox</name>
  <name>Daniel Convissor</name>
  <name>Tobias Schlitt</name>
  <name>Mark Wiesemann</name>
  <name>Christian Weiske</name>
  <name>Ken Guest</name>
 <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #5634: Pepr loses escaped chars (and whole comments!) [davidc]
 * Fix Bug #10990: PHP version list not up-to-date in bug tracker [dufuz]
 * Fix Bug #11192: Bug comments create wrong links to other bugs [dufuz]
 * Fix Bug #11194: source code input on account creation [dufuz]
 * Fix Bug #11199: &quot;New search&quot; does not select current package [cellog]
 * Fix Bug #11200: Add html anchors for letters in proposal list [dufuz]
 * Fix Bug #11201: RFCs miss text [dufuz]
 * Fix Bug #11223: User info page lists unapproved packages [wiesemann]
 * Fix Bug #11240: can&apos;t submit patch (wrong mimetype reported) [wiesemann]
 * Fix Bug #11242: Constraint violation when requesting an account for voting [wiesemann]
 * Fix Bug #11256: Can&apos;t upload package with pear-installer-dep 1.6.0 [cellog]
 * Fix Bug #11267: Pecl account requests are shown in pearweb admin ui and via versa [dufuz]
 * Fix Bug #11268: success/warning/error messages don&apos;t stay consistent enough [dufuz]
 * Fix Bug #11269: Roadmap only calcs bugs marked as Closed as finished [dufuz]
 * Fix Bug #11327: allreleases2.xml is not updated on release [cellog]
 * Fix Bug #11349: Net_URL2 isn&apos;t listed as a dependency [dufuz]
 * Implement Feature #11249: unit tests for index.php and login.php [cellog]
 * Implement Feature #11270: Replace all image CAPTCHA with math one [dufuz]
 * Implement Feature #11272: release-upload.php needs unit tests [cellog]
 * Implement Feature #11273: account-request.php needs unit tests [dufuz]
 * Implement Feature #11274: account-request-vote.php needs unit tests [dufuz]
 * Implement Feature #11275: account-request-confirm.php needs unit tests [dufuz]
 * Implement Feature #11276: public_html/get needs unit tests [cellog]
 * Implement Feature #11339: account-request-newpackage.php needs unit tests [dufuz]
 * Implement Feature #11340: account-request-existingpackage.php needs unit tests [dufuz]
  <dir baseinstalldir="/" name="/">
   <dir name="cron">
    <dir name="mirror">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="download_stats.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="mirrorupdate.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-grabstats.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="README" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /cron/mirror -->
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="bug-summary.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="bug-update-php-version.php" role="www">
     <tasks:replace from="@www-dir@" to="www_dir" type="pear-config" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="rss-to-twitter.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="sample.xml" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="trackback-cleanup.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="update-website.php" role="www" />
   </dir> <!-- /cron -->
   <dir name="doc">
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="apache-setup.txt" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="karma.txt" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="logging.txt" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear_package_manager.txt" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="xmlrpc-api.txt" role="www" />
   </dir> <!-- /doc -->
   <dir name="include">
    <dir name="bugs">
     <dir name="Diff">
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearweb.php" role="www" />
     </dir> <!-- /include/bugs/Diff -->
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="patchtracker.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-bug-accountrequest.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-bugs-utils.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-bugs.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear.ini" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear.links.ini" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /include/bugs -->
    <dir name="Damblan">
     <dir name="Log">
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Mail.php" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Print.php" role="www" />
     </dir> <!-- /include/Damblan/Log -->
     <dir name="Search">
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Lists.php" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Packages.php" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="PEPr.php" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Site.php" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Users.php" role="www" />
     </dir> <!-- /include/Damblan/Search -->
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Karma.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Log.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Mailer.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Search.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Site.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Trackback.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="URL.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /include/Damblan -->
    <dir name="DataObject">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Bugdb.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Bugdb_comments.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Bugdb_roadmap.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Bugdb_roadmap_link.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Categories.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Maintains.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Packages.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Releases.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Users.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /include/DataObject -->
    <dir name="fonts">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="coolveti.ttf" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /include/fonts -->
    <dir name="HTML">
     <dir name="QuickForm2">
      <dir name="Element">
       <file baseinstalldir="/" name="InputEmail.php" role="www" />
       <file baseinstalldir="/" name="InputNumber.php" role="www" />
       <file baseinstalldir="/" name="InputUrl.php" role="www" />
      </dir> <!-- /include/HTML/QuickForm2/Element -->
      <dir name="Renderer">
       <file baseinstalldir="/" name="PEAR.php" role="www" />
      </dir> <!-- /include/HTML/QuickForm2/Renderer -->
     </dir> <!-- /include/HTML/QuickForm2 -->
    </dir> <!-- /include/HTML -->
    <dir name="package">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="releasehelper.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /include/package -->
    <dir name="roadmap">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="info.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="package-generator.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /include/roadmap -->
    <dir name="services">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="HoneyPot.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /include/services -->
    <dir name="tags">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Cloud.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Manager.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /include/tags -->
    <dir name="users">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="passwordmanage.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /include/users -->
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-auth.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-class-license.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-config.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-database-category.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-database-channel.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-database-maintainer.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-database-note.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-database-package.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-database-release.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-database-statistics.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-database-user.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-format-html.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-page-packages.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-prepend-custom.php.dist" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-prepend.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-rest.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="site.php" role="www" />
   </dir> <!-- /include -->
   <dir name="public_html">
    <dir name="about">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="damblan.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="forgot-password.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /public_html/about -->
    <dir name="account">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="password-confirm-change.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /public_html/account -->
    <dir name="admin">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="category-manager.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="index.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="karma.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="package-approval.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="package-maintainers.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="tags.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /public_html/admin -->
    <dir name="bugs">
     <dir name="include">
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="php_versions.php" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="" role="www" />
     </dir> <!-- /public_html/bugs/include -->
     <dir name="rss">
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="bug.php" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="rdf.php" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="search.php" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="xml.php" role="www" />
     </dir> <!-- /public_html/bugs/rss -->
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="bug-pwd-finder.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="bug.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="handle-patch.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="index.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="lstat.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="packageversion-desc.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="patch-add.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="patch-display.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="patch-download.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="quick-fix-desc.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="report.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="resend-request-email.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="roadmap.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="search.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="stats.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="stats_dev.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /public_html/bugs -->
    <dir name="channels">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="add.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="edit.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="index.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="xbel.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /public_html/channels -->
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     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="bugs.css" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="IE6styles.css" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="IE7styles.css" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="packages.css" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="packages_status.css" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="print.css" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="reset-fonts.css" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="style.css" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="thickbox.css" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /public_html/css -->
    <dir name="downloads">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-folder.ico" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-folder.svg" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-logos.svg" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-poster.pdf" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /public_html/downloads -->
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     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="404.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /public_html/error -->
    <dir name="feeds">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="feeds.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="index.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /public_html/feeds -->
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      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="1904811795.png" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="9783898425803.gif" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="foundations-of-pear.gif" role="www" />
     </dir> <!-- /public_html/gifs/books -->
     <dir name="TreeMenu">
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      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="branchbottom.gif" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="branchtop.gif" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="folder.gif" role="www" />
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     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="caret-l.gif" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="caret-r.gif" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="caret-t.gif" role="www" />
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     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="moreinfo-yes.gif" role="www" />
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     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear-power.png" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pear.gif" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearpoint.gif" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearsmall.gif" role="www" />
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     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pecl_item.gif" role="www" />
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      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="left-on.png" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="note.png" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="right-off.png" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="right-on.png" role="www" />
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     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearpoint.png" role="www" />
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     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="packages.php" role="www" />
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     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="trackback-overview.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="trackback.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /public_html/trackback -->
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    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="package-delete.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="package-doap.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="package-edit.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="package-info.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="package-new.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="package-stats-graph.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="package-stats.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="packages.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="release-upload.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="rest-login.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="rest.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="robots.txt" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="search.php" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="wishlist.php" role="www" />
   </dir> <!-- /public_html -->
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    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="message-backgrounds.svg" role="www" />
   </dir> <!-- /resources -->
   <dir name="rfc">
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="003-dependencies.txt" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="stats.txt" role="www" />
   </dir> <!-- /rfc -->
   <dir name="sql">
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="aggregated_package_stats.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="apidoc_queue.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="bugs.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="categories.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="channels.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="create2drop" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="createdb.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="cvs_acl.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="cvs_groups.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="cvs_group_membership.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="deps.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="design.txt" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="dropdb.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="election.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="files.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="karma.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="maintains.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Makefile" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="manual_notes.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="mirrors.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="notes.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="packages.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="package_stats.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearweb_mdb2schema.xml" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pepr.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="README" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="releases.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="tags.sql" role="www" />
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="users.sql" role="www" />
   </dir> <!-- /sql -->
   <dir name="templates">
    <dir name="bugs">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="addpatch.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="listpatches.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="patchadded.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="patchdiff.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="patchdisplay.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="patchform.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="patchinfo.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="registernewaccount.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="roadmap.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="roadmapadd.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="roadmapform.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="roadmap_packagexml.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="searchresults.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /templates/bugs -->
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     <dir name="pear">
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       <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearsmall.gif" role="www" />
      </dir> <!-- /templates/docblox/pear/images -->
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="index.xsl" role="www" />
      <file baseinstalldir="/" name="template.xml" role="www" />
     </dir> <!-- /templates/docblox/pear -->
    </dir> <!-- /templates/docblox -->
    <dir name="mail">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Patch_Added.tpl.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearweb_account_request.tpl.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearweb_account_request_bug.tpl.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearweb_account_request_existing.tpl.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearweb_account_request_new.tpl.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearweb_account_request_vote.tpl.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Trackback_Approve.tpl.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Trackback_Delete.tpl.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="Trackback_New.tpl.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /templates/mail -->
    <dir name="release">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="upload-form.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="verification-form.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /templates/release -->
    <dir name="tags">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="admin.tpl.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="cloud.tpl.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="package.tpl.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /templates/tags -->
    <dir name="users">
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="lostpassword.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="passwordform.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="passwordreset.php" role="www" />
     <file baseinstalldir="/" name="passwordresetconfirmed.php" role="www" />
    </dir> <!-- /templates/users -->
    <file baseinstalldir="/" name="category-manager.html" role="www" />
   </dir> <!-- /templates -->
   <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearweb.php" role="php">
       <tasks:prompt>Update pearweb database?</tasks:prompt>
       <tasks:prompt>Database driver</tasks:prompt>
       <tasks:prompt>Database User name</tasks:prompt>
       <tasks:prompt>Database password</tasks:prompt>
       <tasks:prompt>Database host</tasks:prompt>
       <tasks:prompt>Database name</tasks:prompt>
       <tasks:prompt>Update httpd.conf to add pearweb? (y/n)</tasks:prompt>
       <tasks:prompt>Full path to httpd.conf</tasks:prompt>
       <tasks:prompt>Add NameVirtualHost directive? (yes/no)</tasks:prompt>
       <tasks:prompt>Virtual Host IP address</tasks:prompt>
       <tasks:prompt>PEAR subdomain name</tasks:prompt>
    <tasks:replace from="@www-dir@" to="www_dir" type="pear-config" />
    <tasks:replace from="@php-dir@" to="php_dir" type="pear-config" />
    <tasks:replace from="@version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
   <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearweb_election.php" role="www" />
   <file baseinstalldir="/" name="pearweb_pepr.php" role="www" />
   <file baseinstalldir="/" name="README" role="www" />
   <file baseinstalldir="/" name="rollback.php" role="www" />
   <file baseinstalldir="/" name="TODO" role="www" />
  </dir> <!-- / -->
 <phprelease />
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Initial attempt to package the core elements of the PEAR website
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
use web role, add post-install script
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
use web role, add post-install script
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* add HTML_TreeMenu dep
* add dep group for PHP4-based install and mysql
* add dep group for PHP5-based install and mysqli
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* add gettext extension dep for VFS package (simplifies installation)
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* new statistics
* remove unused database table downloads
* add popular packages to homepage
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* add license dropdown to PEPr
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix Bug #9113: Package stats problems
  - order releases in category page
  - remove stats for removed releases
* implement Request #9112 Changes for Popular Packages
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Prepare for deployment through PEAR channel
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix REST generation for deprecated packages/channels
* fix REST generation of packagesinfo.xml for categories
* fix winner calculation in election interface
* fix Bug #5340: User details are overescaped
* fix Bug #8842: package.xml package name need not match case and must
* fix Bug #9209: Missing package description in proposal editor
* fix Bug #9368: election interface needs labels for radio buttons/checkboxes
* fix Bug #9369: email vote hash and vote choice
* fix Bug #9370: add easy back navigation button for voting interface
* fix Bug #9371: election interface: each page should check whether voting
                 has already occurred
* fix Bug #9372: election interface should separate Abstain button visually on page
* fix Bug #9403: more informative election vote email
* fix Bug #9404: clarify retrieve vote
* fix Bug #9405: add back button to info.php
* fix Bug #9476: schema validation error on postinstall script
* fix Bug #9483: registering for voter account enter intended purpose
* fix Bug #9526: if date is next year, election interface wont
                 properly save new election
* implement Request #7828: PEAR Bug Summary Report
* implement Request #9118: Added new feature to pepr
* implement Request #9527: Implement automatic voter registration (arnaud, cellog)
* completely rework account requests, both to simplify/clarify and to allow
  for the possibility of having general election accounts with no developer
* add missing PEPr tables to the MDB2 schema .xml file
* add list of PEAR books in the support section
* add bug summary statistics to package homepages, clearly showing
  packages with little or no attention to bugs
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* hide emails of developers in maps who request it
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* add statistics for developers bug activity
* auto-assign to developer when a developer marks a bug closed
* adjusted the bugtrackers database schema to handle developer usernames of up to 20 characters length
* fix Bug #7246: missing Need reproduce script quick fix
* fix Bug #8082: Developers bugs list doesnt include Feedback status
* fix Bug #8682: Assigning a bug to a new package doesnt reset the package version field.
* fix Bug #8795: Bug ID is given two times in mails
* fix Bug #9134: Bugtracker suggests PECL bugs
* fix Bug #9205: URL needs to be escaped in quick fix text
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* add statistics for developers bug activity
* auto-assign to developer when a developer marks a bug closed
* adjusted the bugtrackers database schema to handle developer usernames of up to 20 characters length
* fix Bug #7246: missing Need reproduce script quick fix
* fix Bug #8082: Developers bugs list doesnt include Feedback status
* fix Bug #8682: Assigning a bug to a new package doesnt reset the package version field.
* fix Bug #8795: Bug ID is given two times in mails
* fix Bug #9134: Bugtracker suggests PECL bugs
* fix Bug #9205: URL needs to be escaped in quick fix text
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix line spacing in jpgraph_bar.php so statistics graphs will display
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix line spacing in jpgraph_bar.php so statistics graphs will display
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix line spacing in jpgraph_bar.php so statistics graphs will display
* fix Bug #9702: captcha problem
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
updated install-pear-nozlib.phar/go-pear.phar for PHP 5.2 fixes problems users have encountered
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
updated install-pear-nozlib.phar/go-pear.phar for PHP 5.2 fixes problems users have encountered
(32-bit only had problem)
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Hide PECL packages in the developer profiles.
* fix #9796: xmlrpc function raised DB error syntax
* update go-pear for PEAR 1.5.0 release
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix go-pear to work with PEAR 1.5.0
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* add helpful hints on next package versions to package homepages
* add vivid warning for packages using package.xml 1.0
* officially deprecate package.xml 1.0 on the homepage
* dis-allow uploading of package.xml 1.0-based packages in release-upload.php
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
# fix next version for 1.0.0RC3 and company
* add helpful hints on next package versions to package homepages
* add vivid warning for packages using package.xml 1.0
* officially deprecate package.xml 1.0 on the homepage
* dis-allow uploading of package.xml 1.0-based packages in release-upload.php
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
# fix next version for 1.0.0RC3 and company
* add helpful hints on next package versions to package homepages
* add vivid warning for packages using package.xml 1.0
* officially deprecate package.xml 1.0 on the homepage
* dis-allow uploading of package.xml 1.0-based packages in release-upload.php
* up PEAR and Archive_Tar dependencies
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix unneeded require, fatal error
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix Bug #9974: BBCode dependency
* fix Bug #10014: package2.xml is never used
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix Bug #10009: Two errors on developer map
* do not generate API docs for the pearweb package
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix Bug #10038: PHP License = PHP License 3.01, or latest license
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* add PHP 5.2.1 to the list of versions
* fix Bug #10039: Bug suggestions return duplicate and incorrect bug titles
* fix Bug #10040: Download page shows conflicts/ deps as dependencies
* fix Bug #9603: deprecated packages should use channel/package
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* remove the phars, release as package pearweb_phars
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix email headers for auto-generated mails
* fix Bug #9165: Category dropdown in New Package should indent subcategories
* fix implementation of Request #7828 (now Bug #7828): PEAR Bug Summary Report
* implement Request #9543: Change the bug summary, add total
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* dont generate docs for pearweb_phars package
* remove unneeded headers from Damblan_Mailer templates
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* another attempt to stop spamming pear-sys
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* implement initial roadmap support for packages
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* implement initial roadmap support for packages
* fix potential fatal error in package editing while updating REST
* fix pearweb.php run-scripts
* fix mdb2 schema xml
* fix Bug #1467: Two E-mails are sent when the proposer comments on his own PEPr
* fix Bug #10115: if you dont maintain a bug, and are assigned, no update emails
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* roadmap description not being set on creation
* wrong parameter order for in_array() caused fatal error on assigning bugs to a roadmap
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix Bug #10133: foreach() error when closing PEAR bug
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix Bug #10133: foreach() error when closing PEAR bug
* enhance roadmap functionality - make it much easier to add/remove bugs from a roadmap
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* add needed authorization for roadmap modification ease form
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* add list of closed bugs since last release
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* hide old elections
* fix election creation interface date validation
* fix display of election detail
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* hide old elections
* fix election creation interface date validation
* fix display of election detail
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* add note about PEAR structure election on front page
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* hide bug/feature detail by default in roadmap
* re-order PHP versions so that 5.x is first, remove old CVS tags, add HEAD
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* hide bug/feature detail by default in roadmap [cellog]
* re-order PHP versions so that 5.x is first, remove old CVS tags, add HEAD [cellog]
* implement REST1.2 (maintainer role information in p/maintainers2.xml)
* Fixed bug #9127 extending make_ticket_links() matched words [mj]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix release upload: dont let custom non-pear built packages with no package.xml
  in root dir slip through the cracks
* fix .xsd for REST1.2
* fix Bug #10183: roadmap link to bug tracker needs cmd=display
* fix Bug #10212: if multiple roadmaps exist, assigning bugs to one
  may overwrite the other
* implement Request #9973: Add a developing with PEAR effectively
  document to the site
* implement Request #10150: Allow future roadmap versions
* implement Request #10176: patch tracker for bugs
* implement Request #10179: implement package.xml generation with auto-changelog
  from roadmap
* implement Request #10180: require account to open/edit bugs,
  use auto-email verification like pear.voter
* implement Request #10197: add PHP version and API version to release REST
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* fix Bug #10267: Wrong link to user profile [quipo]
* fix Bug #10271: passwords are double-MD5()ed [cellog]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10263: old roadmaps not hidden upon release [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10268: Incorrect vote retrieval link [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10270: roadmap versions should be sorted by release date [cellog]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix patch tracker developer naming
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Implement *much* better popular packages algorithm: only
  count downloads per day for the current month.  This gives
  newer packages a fighting chance to be popular :)
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10293: Comment by: is emtpy in bug emails [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10294: problems with voting-only-account [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10301: no easy way to edit old bugs submitted [cellog]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10293: Comment by: is emtpy in bug emails [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10294: problems with voting-only-account [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10301: no easy way to edit old bugs submitted [cellog]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Implement Request #10302: password reset form for accounts
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10307: Feature #1234 texts dont become links [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10309: Badly formed XML schema [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10318: Dont send remainders for Spam bugs [mj]
* Fix Bug #10319: Wrong ID in links for Documentation bugs [mj]
* Fix Bug #10321: Separate patches from comments in the bug report page [mj]
* Fix Bug #10323: HTML special characters not escaped in patch output [mj]
* Fix Bug #10324: Unescaped values on invalid bugs [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10328: no verification sent for new users who comment on bugs [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10331: no log-in needed until after the bug is reported/comment is added [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10334: edit=2 should shunt to edit=1 for newer bugs [cellog]
* Implement Feature #9214: Patch to add Users category on main page [davidc]
* Implement Feature #10035: No trackback notifications for in active developers [davidc]
* Implement Feature #10320: Allow numbers in patch name [mj]
* Implement Feature #10322: Explain allowed chars in patch name [mj]
* Implement Feature #10329: add resend account confirmation link for unconfirmed account bugs [cellog]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10332: in bug.php, roadmaps randomly ordered [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10344: dont send out bug emails until accounts are confirmed [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10345: if logged in, email address is asked for [cellog]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10360: trackbacks for non-existent packages allowed [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10361: emails still bounce to [timj]
* Implement Feature #10322: Explain allowed chars in patch name [mj]
* Implement Feature #10351: Dont show edit/delete links in roadmap view [mj]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #9999: release is a reserved work in mysql 5 [saltybeagle]
* Fix Bug #10445: election edit does not allow changing choices [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10446: election choices not shown if the election has not yet happened [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10455: multiple bug account requests with the same email [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10078: add user notes to manual [davidc]
* Implement Feature #10330: allow users to log in using their email address as well as handle [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10355: notification emails when patches are attached/modified [davidc]
* Implement Feature #10356: notification emails when roadmap has bugs assigned/removed [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10357: Allow dots in patch name [quipo]
* Implement Feature #10362: fade roadmap versions already released in bug edit [cellog]
Also, fix fatal error in some cases if user is not karma user
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #9999: release is a reserved work in mysql 5 [saltybeagle]
* Fix Bug #10445: election edit does not allow changing choices [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10446: election choices not shown if the election has not yet happened [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10455: multiple bug account requests with the same email [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10078: add user notes to manual [davidc]
* Implement Feature #10330: allow users to log in using their email address as well as handle [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10355: notification emails when patches are attached/modified [davidc]
* Implement Feature #10356: notification emails when roadmap has bugs assigned/removed [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10357: Allow dots in patch name [quipo]
* Implement Feature #10362: fade roadmap versions already released in bug edit [cellog]
Also, fix fatal error in some cases if user is not karma user
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10468: user notes approval page needs links back to comments [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10470: timestamp is displayed as 1969 for all notes [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10463: Moving a comment to pending [davidc]
* Implement Feature #10464: display assigned roadmap versions in non-edit [davidc]
* Implement Feature #10477: onload focus [davidc]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10482: PHP4 obsolete package [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10486: Opera centers text in the new notes section of the manual [davidc]
* Implement Feature #10480: split channel.xml into its own package [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10481: Adding link to manage notes in the developer menu [davidc]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10470: timestamp is displayed as 1969 for all notes [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10484: Bug edit form has gotten quot;uglyquot; [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10487: Package description is almost empty [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10498: extra symbols are appended to patches [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10523: Bug tracker emails need validation to prevent , [cellog]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10479: Approving a bug accont to a developer account doesnt show the right
  notes [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10485: Difference between Notes and User comments [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10504: MySQL 5 and DEFAULT value for INT columns [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10514: Pending manual notes are shown on every page [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10528: Wrongly formatted packageinfo.xml [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10540: obfuscated emails [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10576: Wrong time format for patches [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10577: roadmap.php warning (server is no display_error=off ??? [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10587: release version validation does not catch bad versions [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10622: use \z instead of $ in regexes [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10370: attaching patch with initial bug-report [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10462: add tags to packages in order to define subgroups [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10492: Patch obsoletes previous one [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10519: Jump to notes page from notes manager [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10526: anonymous patch registration like bug tracker registration [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10582: shunt Bug System/Website/PEPr bugs to pearweb package [cellog]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10644: Add patch when creating bug fails [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10658: Error when removing all bugs from a roadmap [davidc]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10563: search bugs for current package [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10683: This package been superseded problem [cweiske]
* Fix Bug #10694: RC releases not accepted when uploading new release [cipri]
* Fix Bug #10706: popular.rss feed broken [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10710: errors/glitches confirming account [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10756: Cant upload patch [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10359: Developer bugfix stats for last month [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10368: Bug reporting stats [cellog]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10725: bug date/time values inconsistent [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #10773: email is not validated for bug comments [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10802: Opening up the detailed roadmap doesnt jump down to the proper anchor [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #10831: Election Interface Bug [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10832: Election election id is not checked [davidc]
* Implement Feature #6829: Full involved bugs information in personal menu [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10668: Assign roadmap version at bug entry time [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #10724: show closed bugs since last release [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #10764: strike-through obsolete patches [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #10766: highlight own name on bug stats page [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #10798: Split up the pear-database file [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #10801: Links to packages homepage in the search view [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #10818: add Igors slides [davidc]
* Implement Feature #10824: Missing link to elections [davidc]
* Implement Feature #10826: Missing select all notes [davidc]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fixed Bug #10841 warnings raised on public_html/bugs/stats.php [dufuz]
* Request #10849 Remove DB_Storage [dufuz]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #9589: Link input field on requestform too short [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10709: Can not reset my password [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10731: quot;Doc Bugquot; doesnapos;t appear on Roadmap [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10841: warnings raised on public_html/bugs/stats.php [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #10855: quot;Fixed Since Version...quot; a misnomer [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10863: quot;Doc #quot; not hyperlink in Changelog View [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10868: User note link pointing to nowhere [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10872: quot;New searchquot; link in bug tracker does not work [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #10874: roadmap generated package.xml contains info from previous package.xml [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10876: The handle part in My Bugs url collieds with author_email [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #10880: Registration Link Broken [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10907: SECURITY: login.php redirects to any URL [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10908: improper fix of XSS in bug tracker [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10512: side-by-side diff of patch revisions [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10561: Open bug stats include bugs with unconfirmed identities [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10562: Mark complete user as inactive [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10829: Enhance Patch Upload process [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10849: Remove DB_Storage [dufuz]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Add Security announcement
* Fix Bug #10856: proposal stays in voting phase [mj]
* Fix Bug #10885: Milestones not saved when submitting a bug [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10898: Broken link from /news [bjori]
* Fix Bug #10902: Unable to view elections (not logged in) [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10927: Typo in pearweb_mdb2schema.xml [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #10928: Notices generated in bug tracker [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10929: Non-Dev Comments Cause Bug to Unassign Dev/Roadmap [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10932: Admin package maintainers error [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10933: Patch diff view shows warnings [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10948: Unclosed tags in bug tracker [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #10950: Fix for #10908 removed CVS package version selection for new bugs [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10957: dufuz broke voter account registration [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10958: Old patches list does not UTC [mj]
* Fix Bug #10959: context is not htmlspecialchar()ed in patch diff [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10960: registration fails for voter [cellog]
* Implement Feature #8808: RSS feed for bug system [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10624: Generated package.xml mis-orders releases. [cellog]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Add Security announcement
* Fix Bug #10856: proposal stays in voting phase [mj]
* Fix Bug #10885: Milestones not saved when submitting a bug [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10898: Broken link from /news [bjori]
* Fix Bug #10902: Unable to view elections (not logged in) [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10927: Typo in pearweb_mdb2schema.xml [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #10928: Notices generated in bug tracker [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10929: Non-Dev Comments Cause Bug to Unassign Dev/Roadmap [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10932: Admin package maintainers error [davidc]
* Fix Bug #10933: Patch diff view shows warnings [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10948: Unclosed tags in bug tracker [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #10950: Fix for #10908 removed CVS package version selection for new bugs [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10957: dufuz broke voter account registration [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10958: Old patches list does not UTC [mj]
* Fix Bug #10959: context is not htmlspecialchar()ed in patch diff [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10960: registration fails for voter [cellog]
* Implement Feature #8808: RSS feed for bug system [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10624: Generated package.xml mis-orders releases. [cellog]
* Added developer implemented feature using Net_URL and now is correctly using Net_URL2 [davidc]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #10660: go-pear wont install with PHP 4.4.4 [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10877: Post install script results in a syntax error in httpd.conf [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #10906: Bug tracker escapes too much [cellog]
* Fix Bug #10985: Showing panes where user has no rights [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #10991: Bug RSS feed contains duplicated square brackets [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #11007: Cant repropose rejected package [cellog]
* Fix Bug #11016: Fixes for manual user notes [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #11018: Misleading column name in bugs stats [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #11024: Wrong copyright [davidc]
* Fix Bug #11043: Too short lines in bug tracker [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #11062: Fatal error on package creation [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #11072: Account request form doesnt make clear that it requires usernames in
  lowercase [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #11078: Release upload form: RC error message is wrong if state is alpha [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #11126: patch tracker email never sent when patch attached with initial bug
  report [cellog]
* Fix Bug #11134: patch error when CVS diff: creates empty patch [cellog]
* Fix Bug #11146: account opening causes critical error [cellog]
* Implement Feature #9555: Add list with mirrors [cellog]
* Implement Feature #10539: Ability to transform doc notes into Documentation bugs [davidc]
Split off index-updated files into pearweb_index package
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #11180 User notes timestamp is updated on approval [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11192 Bug comments create wrong links to other bugs+
               Now a bug link has to have # to be valid and thus parsed [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11194 source code input on account creation [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11199  	New search does not select current package [cellog]
* Fix Bug #11200 Add html anchors for letters in proposal list [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11201 RFCs miss text [dufuz / justinpatrin]
* Fix Bug #11223 User info page lists unapproved packages[wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #11240 cant submit patch (wrong mimetype reported)[wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #11242 Constraint violation when requesting an account for voting [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #11259 cannot show bug detail on [html_progress2] roadmap [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11267 Pecl account requests are shown in pearweb admin ui and via versa [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11268 success/warning/error messages dont stay consistent enough [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11269 Roadmap only calcs bugs marked as Closed as finished [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11327 allreleases2.xml is not updated on release [cellog]
* Fix Bug #11349 Net_URL2 isnt listed as a dependency [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11397 Roadmap: new entry on generated package.xmls changelog has wrong(new) version [dufuz]
* Request #11249 unit tests for index.php and login.php [cellog]
* Request #11272 release-upload.php needs unit tests [cellog]
* Request #11273 account-request.php needs unit tests [dufuz]
* Request #11274 account-request-vote.php needs unit tests [dufuz]
* Request #11275 account-request-confirm.php needs unit tests [dufuz]
* Request #11276 public_html/get needs unit tests [cellog]
* Request #11339 account-request-newpackage.php needs unit tests [dufuz]
* Request #11340 account-request-existingpackage.php needs unit tests [dufuz]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Request #11109 Restyle the warning message css [dufuz]
* Request #11362 Get rid of captcha for when sending mail to user via webform [dufuz]
* Request #11436 split go-pear in its own package [dufuz]
* Request #10539 Transform note into documentation bugs [davidc]
* Request #11086 Tabs and Whitespace mixing in assorted file [dufuz]
* Request #11094 Users table to include long/lat on creation [dufuz]
* Request #11109 Restyle warning message css [dufuz]
* Request #11270 Replace all image captcha with math ones [dufuz]
* Request #11362 Get rid of captcha for when sending mail to users via the web form. [dufuz]
* Request #11436 Split go-pear into its own package [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11418 Undefined index REDIRECT_URL fixes [davidc]
* Fix Bug #11423 Comments from unconfirmed identities are shown when submitting a similar bug [davidc]
* Fix Bug #11441 Package releases not available
* Fix Bug #11498 User note to bug converter [davidc]
* Fix Bug #11534 API docs missing for some packages [mj]
* Fix Bug #11570 Browse the source tree link broken [davidc]
* Fix Bug #11669 Open bugs reporting error [Duplicate]
* Fix Bug #11672 Email  failure notice [Duplicate]
* Fix Bug #11680 Wrong Bug Count [davidc]
* Fix Bug #11094 users table should include longitude, latitude on creation [dufuz]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix Bug #9476: schema validation error on postinstall script [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11094: users table should include longitude, latitude on creation [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11295: Fixed in CVS does not mark a bug as closed [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11308: Bug tracker: no feedback after (un)subscribing [cellog]
* Fix Bug #11382: Tell registering users they need to provide quot;Firstname Lastnamequot; [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11412: Incorrect Package Statistics for Category [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11421: Developers should be able to read unconfirmed bugcomments [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11422: quot;Status: Open | Feedback | Allquot; header not displayed when no bugs are
  found [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #11441: Package releases not available [cellog]
* Fix Bug #11456: Admin page account overview [cellog]
* Fix Bug #11497: RSS feed description field should contain breaks [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11502: Uploading patch doesnapos;t work [cellog]
* Fix Bug #11638: Link to Bug Tracker on User Note Entry Screen fails [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #11759: Manual: Note form loses page URL [cellog]
* Fix Bug #11760: Bug tracker: summary is shown twice [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #11180  User notes timestamp is updated on approval [cellog]
* Fix Bug #11804: Forgotten Password Field for mailaddress too short [cellog]
* Fix Bug #12004: Roadmap lacks error handling in case of duplicate roadmap versions [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #12021: Inconsistent bug tracker behaviour [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #12237: Patch upload doesnapos;t work during ticket creation [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #12296: 17k patch wonapos;t upload - described limit is 20k but actual is 10k. [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #12467: adding 5.2.5 to the PHP version select box [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #12470: donapos;t list non-developers [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #12502: Bug tracker: quot;Add Commentquot; tab not always visible [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #12526: Last updated on bottom of each page [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #12718: Unnecessary space in package list on account info page [wiesemann]
* Fix Bug #12728: Undefined variable error in notes system [wiesemann]
* Implement Feature #3085: Link to package page from finished proposals [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #10800: Copy closed tickets since last release into a new roadmap [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #10900: link developer maps from pearweb [cweiske]
* Implement Feature #10943: Remove verification screen for developers [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11086: tabs amp; whitespace mixing in assorted files [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11109: Restyle the warning message css [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11118: List of PEAR packages should not show deprecated packages [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11270: Replace all image CAPTCHA with math one [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11362: Get rid of captcha for when sending mail to user via webform [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11436: split go-pear in its own package [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11450: When showing bugs by user handle, hide those [quipo]
* Implement Feature #11530: bug reports should have a panel/div explaining the colour coding [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11851: Assigned bugs that are not maintained by developer made visable on
  info page [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11985: Developer map rest link should be application/rdf+xml [davidc]
* Implement Feature #12013: package name is shown in bug list even you select only one package [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12472: choose a sensible font size [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12591: Removing all code dealing with DES passwords [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12623: Removal of the xmlrpc gateway [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12631: Ditch the builtin HTML_Menu class for upstream one [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12632: Use the new file roles added in PEAR 1.7.0 [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12646: Package: field should link to the package home page [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12691: New presentation slide [ifeghali]
* Implement Feature #12721: Show dependent packages in alphabetic order on package info page [wiesemann]
* Implement Feature #12724: Cron job for fetching PHP versions into the bug tracker version
  dropdown list [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12786: Redesign of the menu system [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12787: YUI Reset CSS to unify the site more properly between A grade browsers [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12788: Make the layout fluid via Divs where it make sense [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12789: Move the developer bugs stats into itapos;s own file [dufuz]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
* Fix couple of small CSS issues
* Fix Bug #12803: Monthly bug summary shows PECL bugs [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #12826: Navigation tab apos;Mainapos; incorrectly becomes the quot;currentquot; tab [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #12830: Javascript error on Google map in IE [davidc]
* Fix Bug #12831: Account info page: developer stats link points to old location [wiesemann]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
- log errors in syslog
- improvements on honeypot bug reporting integration
- don&apos;t crash when crashing (e.g. when credentials are wrong)
- do not show bug stats if the person does not have a karma [dufuz]
- use HTML 5 doctype [saltybeagle]
- list chm files on manual download page
- add apidoclog to admin menu
- fix mail template path
- use \$_SERVER[PEAR_BOX] instead of \$_ENV since nobody knows how to set that
- prevent search engines from sending password reminders
- move patch directory
- switch to eukhost
- script to fix &quot;latest&quot; api doc links
- use HTTP_Request2
- dozens of other things that are too many to be listed here
* Fix Bug #11180: User note&apos;s timestamp is updated on approval [cellog]
* Fix Bug #11998: Broken emails from user note to bug converter [davidc]
* Fix Bug #12375: Can&apos;t use UTF-8 chars in a bug report [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #12709: DB Error (syntax) transforming note into Doc bug [davidc]
* Fix Bug #12896: Bug system emails double the EOLs on quick response texts [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #12899: account-request-confirm.php will encourage incorrect characters in
   usernames [davidc]
* Fix Bug #12946: .diff patch upload does not work with opera/linux [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #12949: Notes to doc bug converter is broken [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #13064: Problems with automatically added linebreaks in manual navigation bar [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #13326: Removal of CHM upload script [mj]
* Fix Bug #13399: BugDB: PHP CVS versions are of by many months [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #13402: PEAR_Info doc end-user link broken [doconnor]
* Fix Bug #13453: Broken cron job - find-documentation.php [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #13534: Map view fails to render well if 0 entries [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #13585: bug search broken w short keywords ( vs mysql
  configuration) [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #13874: Display issue subscription status [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #14011: Badly formatted descriptions [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #14039: Incorrect links in the PEAR Group election [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #14726: Bogus developer accounts [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15459: @web_dir@ doesn&apos;t work with new pear [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15460: VFS.php not found - missing dependency [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15533: file upload leads to white page when permissions don&apos;t work [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15666: List accounts page broken [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15667: Undefined variable \$where [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15669: Open feature requests count vs Open feature requests link [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15718: PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: string [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15724: The page to add a new PEAR channel doesn&apos;t load [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15730: Roadmap -&gt; Show Feature Detail displays oddly [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15905: wrong links on packages changelog [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15915: Search for developers - invalid pagination combo values [amir]
* Fix Bug #15921: &quot;Manage your password&quot; should appear only if there&apos;s really a form [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15967: Issues with user notes [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #15968: user information: open bugs count [dufuz]
* Fix Bug #16036: Bug tracker emails: Patch links broken [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #10532: Add a pear-bugs mailing list [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #10903: Search the map for specific developer [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11082: Package Summary (Bug) Request Report [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11096: Patch: Consider adding microformat information to account pages [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11289: Commenting on proposals [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11350: Note management should not prompt the user delete notes when there are
  none [davidc]
* Implement Feature #11351: Make the Channels UI more public [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11352: Don&apos;t hardcode in email addresses (specifically, channels) [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #11865: Note management displays too many results [davidc]
* Implement Feature #12436: bug tracker: keep history of changes [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12453: disallow robots in versioned api docs [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12563: QA, detection of closed bugs that haven&apos;t made it into a release in X
  months [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12792: Throw out JPGraph for a new lib [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12824: Better structure for the orphan QA page [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12828: Empty search for package should return all packages [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12829: Package search: option to allow more entries per page [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12843: link bugs opened by account [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #12901: Improving pagination in packages.php [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #13034: Max patch size of 20k is too small [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #13041: Add note submitter to bugs created in the manual notes system [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #13105: rss feed: name of package in title [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #13327: When one package is found in 404, redirect right away [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #13428: Add title to anchors which link to other internal bugs [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #13470: make_link should make it easy to be xhtml friendly [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #13539: automatically search manual when 404 on root dir [cweiske]
* Implement Feature #13540: Improve the download interface for newbies [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #13661: Sort Roadmaps by Version [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #13833: Mail bug reporters when a release is out that fixes their bugs [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #14208: make IRC channel clickable in support page [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #14907: list people with qa karma on the qa page [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #15511: Swap away from DB_Pager to Pager [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #15668: Use HTTP_Request2 [dufuz]
* Implement Feature #15777: List of packages which requires PEAR older than 1.5.4. [amir]
* Implement Feature #15782: Find &quot;stable&quot; packages with version &lt; 1.0 [amir]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Fix XSS problem, thanks to Tim Starling!
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Fix XSS problem, thanks to Tim Starling!
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Request #13449 Improve the user experience on the homepage
Bug #16062 BB tag helper refers to non-existant variable &quot;is_gecko&quot;
Bug #16112 is behind
Bug #16120 Broken link to &quot;New Maintainers Guide&quot; from &quot;Package Proposals&quot;
Bug #16125 Link broken when path is attached to a bug report
Bug #16160 Roadmap: natural sorting for package versions (1.19.0 before 1.9.0)
Bug #16161 showold=0 does not hide old roadmaps
Bug #16226 Incorrect warning
Bug #16228 Difficult to see which checkboxes relate to notes
Bug #16231 Broken links
Bug #16232 Selecting unknown package version during bug reporting fails
Fixed a www-dir replacement bug
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Request #15985 Upgrade to Savant3
Assorted fixed unit tests (old test expectations)
XHTML / HTML validity improvements
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
- fix bug #13817: Gifs and new books [doconnor]
- fix bug #16289: error on release upload [doconnor]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Refactored PEPR listings

Bug #16291 E_NOTICE in patch display
Bug #16293 E_WARNING when imploding packages
Bug #16294 Syntax error in generated manual page
Bug #16295 E_NOTICE in roadmap.php
Bug #16296 Undefined variable in pepr/index.php
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Refactored RSS feeds for bugs
Changed RSS feeds for homepage
Individual bugs now render Baetle (RDF)
Improved homepage to focus on the human side(s) of PEAR
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Stray typo on bug report UI
More UTF8 Encoding
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
This version brings major usability enhancements to the patch tracker.
It also makes most of pearweb XHTML valid.

- Fix bug #16456: encode bug descriptions properly [doconnor]
- Fix bug #14665 Fixed broken link [doconnor]
- Fix bug #16138: mailing list subscription does not work [cweiske]
- Fix bug #16528: Patchtracker download links fail when bug has several patches

- Implement request #14983: display package dependencies on package page [doconnor]
- Implement request #16496: News page should point you at the pear blog [doconnor]
- Implement request #13448: Usability: distinguishing links in content [cweiske]
- Implement request #14516: Bugtracker: tell users how to get package version [cweiske]
- Implement request #15641: change hint [cweiske]
- Implement request #13754: Allow Search for Unmaintained Packages on Bug Stats page [cweiske]
- Implement request #13726: Highlight Unmaintained Packages on Bug Stats page [cweiske]
- Implement request #16365: improve usability of download link for download page. [cweiske]
- Implement request #16494: rPrint stylesheet for bug lists [gauthierm]

- Fix old CVS links in a number of places [doconnor]
- Fix several bugs and warnings in patchtracker [cweiske]
- Make text input fields for bugs and contacting larger [cweiske]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Fix bug #16572: Image category shows &quot;Sub-categories: Array&quot; [doconnor]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
- Fix bug #16614: Bug comment emails have wrong link [cweiske]
- Fix bug #16604: Broken link/redirecting to patch add at the wrong time. [doconnor]
- Implement request #13354: Implement DOAP output [cweiske]
- Fix bug #16227: Wrong selectors being used by jquery. [davidc]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
- Fix E_WARNING with DOAP output for pearweb [cweiske]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
- Enhance peardoc styles [gauthierm]
- Fix bug #16655: Package redirection broken; returns DOAP [aharvey]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
- Enhance category package browser styles [gauthierm]
- Enhance peardoc styles [gauthierm]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
- Enhance category package browser styles [gauthierm]
- Enhance peardoc styles [gauthierm]
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Bug #16747 Broken licence links
Bug #17148 	Add user note as doc bug syntax errors
Bug #16913 	broken link to PEAR Installer
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Bug #17472 Broken link on Packages &gt; Channels &gt; List 	doconnor
Bug #17533 Releases and roles do not seem to work. 	doconnor
Bug #17663 dead links on 	doconnor
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Channel list now stored in database (please DROP TABLE channels; and import channels.sql on deployment)
Added ability to activate/deactivate channels
Added application/xbel+xml output of channel list
Upgraded some forms to HTML_QuickForm2, HTML5 controls
Bug #17717 	package.xml XSD does not support __uri channels
Bug #18284	Can&apos;t change password
Bug #18294	Forgot password says: Unknown user &quot;hm2k&quot;
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
XSS fixes
HTTPS fixes
Upgrade of Services_ProjectHoneyPot
Upgrade of Horde_Text_Diff
See for full details
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Fix Ohloh CSS annoyance
Add some X-PHP headers to patch emails.
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
Fix #20098: Broken bug notifications catched as spam
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
- Show all packages ever proposed on user page
- Load jQuery via HTTPS
- Fix fatal errors on PHP 5.6
- Fix HTML in bug report page
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
- Add spam protection to &quot;Comment by&quot; field in bug report update mails
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
- Address some vulnerabilities such as sanitising input.
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
- Address some vulnerabilities such as sanitising input.
   <license uri="">PHP License</license>
- Address some vulnerabilities.