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Bug #9562 FTP driver doesn't support user groups with spaces
Submitted: 2006-12-06 17:39 UTC
From: mstanisl at emich dot edu Assigned: yunosh
Status: Closed Package: VFS (version 0.1.0)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: Debian Linux
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 7 + 46 = ?

 [2006-12-06 17:39 UTC] mstanisl at emich dot edu (Mark Stanislav)
Description: ------------ When trying to use Gollem for a web file manager, I ran across the problem of it showing the "filename" as a huge output of ls -l data. After reviewing the array items, I found out that $item[4] was becoming the second word in the user group. Array ( [0] => -rw-r--r-- [1] => 1 [2] => mstanisl [3] => domain [4] => u [5] => 407 [6] => Dec [7] => 6 [8] => 11:22 [9] => cot_access.rtf ) Once I concatenated the usergroup item 3 + item 4, and incremented each remaining array item value by 1, the software outputted as expected. This is a cheap workaround for me, but the preg expression or some conditional statements will be needed to actually fix it. Test script: --------------- Gollem with FTP backend having user groups with multiple words. (in example, "domain users" when using winbind PAM authentication with FTP) Expected result: ---------------- The filename is "1 mstanisl domain u 407 Dec 6 11:22 cot_access.rtf" Actual result: -------------- The filename should be "cot_access.rtf".


 [2006-12-07 14:48 UTC] yunosh (Jan Schneider)
Moved to where more developers can take a look at it.
 [2007-06-19 04:11 UTC] chagenbu (Chuck Hagenbuch)
Leaving this closed here and I won't do this again, but just in case you're not watching the Horde bug, I've updated it asking for feedback, so please "watch" it there if you're not already. Thanks!