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Bug #769 Failing to include db-specific files is a fatal error but produces no error msg
Submitted: 2004-02-16 09:25 UTC
From: jocke at selincite dot com Assigned:
Status: Bogus Package: DB
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: Any
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 17 + 16 = ?

 [2004-02-16 09:25 UTC] jocke at selincite dot com
Description: ------------ Hi, This isn't really a bug as such, but more of a "misunderstanding" in the coding philosophy. This strange behaviour occurrs when PEAR is not in the PHP-include path and DB.php is trying to include a DB-specific file (mysql.php, pgsql.php) DB.php: DB::connect() ---- 273 if (is_array($options) && isset($options["debug"]) && 274 $options["debug"] >= 2) { 275 // expose php errors with sufficient debug level 276 include_once "DB/${type}.php"; 277 } else { 278 @include_once "DB/${type}.php"; 279 } ---- If line 278 fails, there will be no error messages, and the whole DB-class and it's execution fails. This is a fatal error and, IMHO, should produce an error message no matter what error/debug level. This behaviour occurred when I included DB.php manually with require_once(), without having anything other than "." in the include path. I was using Windows at that occasion. One strange thing is that since DB.php was included, the path from there should have been "DB/mysql.php" or "DB/pgsql.php", but that did apparently not work. This behaviour caused quite a bit of confusion, but was solved with adding PHP-dir to the include path. With an error message this could have been corrected immediately. Thanks for your time. /Jocke


 [2004-02-16 09:40 UTC] lsmith
as you can see from the code you pasted all that you need to do is set: $options["debug"] >= 2
 [2004-02-16 09:51 UTC] jocke at selincite dot com
Setting the debug level is not the point of my submission. The point is that it's a fatal error that prevents the application from running, and thus, it should display an error message (regardless of debug level). For example, if you ship code to a live environment you don't want (or should) be running debug-levels. The code should, however, inform you of fatal problems (especially if they are related to environment differences).