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Bug #1386 Multiple entries not possible
Submitted: 2004-05-11 18:42 UTC
From: max at tvattomaten dot se Assigned: quipo
Status: Bogus Package: Calendar
PHP Version: 4.3.6 OS:
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    
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Anyone can comment on a bug. Have a simpler test case? Does it work for you on a different platform? Let us know! Just going to say 'Me too!'? Don't clutter the database with that please !
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Solve the problem : 27 + 16 = ?

 [2004-05-11 18:42 UTC] max at tvattomaten dot se
Description: ------------ I want to have several diary events for my calendar on the same day. I've duplicated more or less your example code with the small change that I have month -> days. The problem is that there is as I can see no way of having multiple events in one day when examining a month. There is also no support for having events that occur at the same time. Please consider adding the functionality, I believe that a diary without the possibility to have multiple entries on the same day/time is unrealistic and will because of that not be used. Reproduce code: --------------- require_once 'Calendar/Month/Weekdays.php'; require_once 'Calendar/Day.php'; require_once 'Calendar/Hour.php'; require_once 'Calendar/Decorator.php'; // Decorator to "attach" functionality to selected hours class DiaryEvent extends Calendar_Decorator { var $entry; function DiaryEvent($calendar) { Calendar_Decorator::Calendar_Decorator($calendar); } function setEntry($entry) { $this->entry = $entry; } function getEntry() { return $this->entry; } } if (!isset($_GET['Y'])) $_GET['Y'] = date('Y'); if (!isset($_GET['m'])) $_GET['m'] = date('m'); $Month = new Calendar_Month_Weekdays($_GET['Y'], $_GET['m']); $Times = array( array("Date" => "2004-05-20", "StartTime" => "12:10:00", "EndTime" => "14:00:00"), array("Date" => "2004-05-20", "StartTime" => "15:10:00", "EndTime" => "18:00:00")); // An array to place selected hours in $selection = array(); // Loop through the "database result" foreach ( $Times as $Time ) { $d = explode("-", substr($Time["Date"],0, strlen("2004-01-01"))); $year = $d[0]; $month = $d[1]; $day = $d[2]; unset($d); $d = explode(":", $Time["StartTime"]); $h = $d[0]; $min = $d[1]; $sec = $d[2]; unset($d); $MDay = new Calendar_Day(2000,1,1,1); // Create Hour with dummy values $MDay->setTimeStamp(mktime($h, $min, $sec, $month, $day, $year)); // Create the decorator, passing it the Hour $DiaryEvent = new DiaryEvent($MDay); $msg = '<a style="font-size: 1em;"' .' href="delivery_time.php?ID=' . $Time["ID"] . '">' . substr($Time["StartTime"], 0, 2) . '<span style="position: relative; top: -.5em; font-size: .6em;">' . substr($Time["StartTime"], 3, 2) . "</span>" ."-" . substr($Time["EndTime"], 0, 2) . '<span style="position: relative; top: -.5em; font-size: .6em;">' . substr($Time["EndTime"], 3, 2) . "</span>" ."</a>"; // Attach the payload $DiaryEvent->setEntry($msg); // Add the decorator to the selection $selection[] = $DiaryEvent; } $Month->build($selection); $OutputCalendar .= "<table class=\"time\">\n"; $today = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("now")); while ($Day = $Month->fetch()) { if ($Day->isFirst()) { $OutputCalendar .= "<tr>\n"; } if ($Day->isEmpty()) { $OutputCalendar .= "<td> </td>\n"; } else { if ( $Day->isSelected() ) { if ($today == date("Y-m-d", $Day->thisDay(TRUE))){ $OutputCalendar .= '<td id="selectedToday"><strong>'.$Day->thisDay()."</strong>\n"; }else{ $OutputCalendar .= '<td id="selectedTime"><strong>'.$Day->thisDay()."</strong>\n"; } $OutputCalendar .= "<br />" .$Day->getEntry()."\n"; }elseif ($today == date("Y-m-d", $Day->thisDay(TRUE))){ $OutputCalendar .= '<td id="selectedToday"><strong>'.$Day->thisDay()."</strong>\n"; }else{ $OutputCalendar .= '<td><strong>'.$Day->thisDay()."</strong>\n"; } $OutputCalendar .= '</td>'; } if ($Day->isLast()) { $OutputCalendar .= "</tr>\n"; } } $OutputCalendar .= "</table></p>\n"; echo $OutputCalendar; Expected result: ---------------- I would like there to be a function for iterating through the diary events so that they are all displayed. Actual result: -------------- Only one of the two events that that are shown.


 [2004-05-11 19:54 UTC] quipo
The problem you're experiencing has nothing to do with Calendar (not) being able to store multiple events for each day. It all depends on how you write your custom decorator class. For instance, you may want to change the DiaryEvent class with one similar to the following one: ------------------------------------- // Decorator to "attach" functionality to selected hours class DiaryEvent extends Calendar_Decorator { var $entries = array(); function DiaryEvent($calendar) { Calendar_Decorator::Calendar_Decorator($calendar); } function setEntry($entry) { $this->entries[] = $entry; return count($this->entries)-1; //this is the index of your last entry } function getEntry($index=null) { if (is_null($index)) { $index = count($this->entries)-1; } return $this->entries[$index]; } } ------------------------------------- Please notice that the above code is just meant to give you an idea on how to proceed, since it lacks error checking and the real getEntry() should be something better than this (you could use array_pop/push if you don't need to fetch the same data multiple times...) HTH Lorenzo
 [2004-05-11 21:44 UTC] max at tvattomaten dot se
Thanks for your answer. Would be good to add that to your examples. As I understand a simple: while($entry = $Day->getEntry()){ ... } should work. That would be neat and efficient. Is there a good way of adding an entry that spans several hours/days/months? That would also be interesting. I guess that can be done by adding multiple objects but that seems to me like an less desirable way to go...