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Bug #53 cannot use prepared statement where sql contains \' special character
Submitted: 2003-10-01 16:16 UTC
From: ludovic dot smadja at devoteam dot com Assigned: cox
Status: Closed Package: DB
PHP Version: 4.3.2 OS: windows NT4.0
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2003-10-01 16:16 UTC] ludovic dot smadja at devoteam dot com
Description: ------------ When i use a request with a \' to escape ' character and wants to prepare it, I got the error named "insufficient data supplied" when I haven't this special charater, all works. Reproduce code: --------------- $sql_search_n_ordre = " select distinct VALEUR_ATTRIBUTS_ARTICLE from line_items where line_items.nom_attribut = 'N° d\'ordre' and line_items.ID_CASE_LOT=? and date_activation>=?"; $params = array($row['id_case_lot'], $date_activation); $sth_n_ordre = $con_gold->prepare($sql_search_n_ordre); print $sql_search_n_ordre."\n"; print_r($params); if(DB::isError($res_n_ordre=$con_gold->execute($sth_n_ordre, $params))) { print $sql_search_n_ordre."\n"; print_r($params); print "\n"; die("Erreur de requetage : ".DB::errorMessage($res_n_ordre)); } Actual result: -------------- When I search in sources, the error seems to be on line 405 ( function prepare($query) from db/common.php of pear. when I replace this line with mine, this request works !! old line : $tokens = split("[\&\?\!]", $query); my new line : $tokens = split("[&!?]", $query); is it a wrong way or not ?


 [2003-10-01 16:51 UTC] cox
Yes, split() doesn't need to escape special PCRE chars. Fixed in CVS, thanks for the report. Tomas V.V.Cox
 [2004-03-30 21:18 UTC] wingetr at cs dot byuh dot edu
This version properly handles escaping. It is a place holder if an even number (including 0) of backslashes proceeds the character. function prepare($query) { $tokens[0] = ""; $token = 0; $types = array(); $qlen = strlen($query); $even = true; for ($i = 0; $i < $qlen; $i++ ) { if ( $even ) { switch ($query[$i]) { case '?': $types[$token++] = DB_PARAM_SCALAR; $tokens[$token] = ""; break; case '&': $types[$token++] = DB_PARAM_OPAQUE; $tokens[$token] = ""; break; case '!': $types[$token++] = DB_PARAM_MISC; $tokens[$token] = ""; break; default: $tokens[$token] .= $query[$i]; } // switch } else { $tokens[$token] .= $query[$i]; } // if even if ( $query[$i] == '\\' ) { $even = ! $even; } else { $even = true; } } // for $i $this->prepare_tokens[] = &$tokens; end($this->prepare_tokens); $k = key($this->prepare_tokens); $this->prepare_types[$k] = $types; $this->prepared_queries[$k] = &$query; return $k; }