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Bug #2751 _timeout incorrectly documented & _timeout and _readTimeout not consistent
Submitted: 2004-11-13 23:25 UTC
From: neufeind Assigned: avb
Status: Closed Package: HTTP_Request
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: irrelevant
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2004-11-13 23:25 UTC] neufeind
Description: ------------ The class uses _timeout internally, which you can set using the param "timeout" calling the constructor. There is also _readTimeout (though not yet publically available). But that value is stored in seconds and milliseconds: array(seconds, microseconds). I see that this is a "feature" - but it's not consistent (timeout/readTimeout).


 [2004-12-10 14:53 UTC] avb
Fixed in CVS: both parameters are now documented. As for incostistency, that's the problem of PHP itself: fsockopen() accepts one float value for a timeout, while socket_set_timeout() accepts two integer values for a timeout. Net_Socket follows that behaviour and so does HTTP_Request.