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Bug #20982 mdb2 postgresql driver cannot handle 'not null' constraint
Submitted: 2015-11-13 05:27 UTC
From: jonez Assigned:
Status: Open Package: MDB2 (version 2.4.1)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS: centos7
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2015-11-13 05:27 UTC] jonez (Jeff MacDonald)
Description: ------------ MDB2 with a postgresql database does not properly handle a "not null" constraint. instead, it throws this error: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: MDB2_Driver_pgsql::raiseError(). in /usr/share/pear/MDB2.php on line 1936 this same error happens if permissions are wrong on a table or if a table does not exist, etc. postgresql 9.2.13 Expected result: ---------------- proper PEAR::Error instance Actual result: -------------- PHP Fatal Error
