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Bug #19907 Git Command Error - Git Bin Path Has Spaces
Submitted: 2013-04-21 11:10 UTC
From: laurin1 Assigned:
Status: Open Package: VersionControl_Git (version 0.4.4)
PHP Version: 5.4.14 OS: Windows 7 x64
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2013-04-21 11:10 UTC] laurin1 (Keith Davis)
Description: ------------ This issue does not occur for all methods. getBranches() works fine, but getCommits() produces this $command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe" rev-list --max-count="100" --skip="0" --pretty="raw" "master" -- And throws this error: VersionControl_Git_Exception: Some errors in executing git command Output: Error: 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. in C:\inetpub\3rd Party Apps\PEAR\pear\VersionControl\Git\Util\RevListFetcher.php on line 90 Test script: --------------- $o = new VersionControl_Git("c:\\Inetpub\\Intranet_Local"); $o->setGitCommandPath("\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Git\\bin\\git.exe\""); print_r($o->getCommits()); Expected result: ---------------- List commits. This works fine when I paste that command in the command line: 12557 - IT (General) - Windows Cache Extension 1.0 for PHP - Released (winca che) commit c2015f4bdc4e9d23dffae31dcd8cc18f2c684ec7 tree 142597bc5855c85496f5b78cddc4e6df7c585eef parent 4dcb9118d4d33c18779a1751099d0fa11569f93b author keithdavis <keithdavis> 1259183141 +0000 committer keithdavis <keithdavis> 1259183141 +0000 12962 - Intranet (General) - Upgrade WinCache Extension 1.0 commit 4dcb9118d4d33c18779a1751099d0fa11569f93b tree 4cc0292665ab445fb735d0debcb9c21359023c57 parent 93b1bbe684e9b43acde242064f65e43d0084595b author keithdavis <keithdavis> 1256767541 +0000 committer keithdavis <keithdavis> 1256767541 +0000 Code Cleanup commit 93b1bbe684e9b43acde242064f65e43d0084595b tree 8dcd27b356efd251f7a8fb3cd6ccc9e17934f64c parent 45a2d34bda9bc225a53a26466140212ba7a2c1b9 author keithdavis <keithdavis> 1256579228 +0000 committer keithdavis <keithdavis> 1256579228 +0000 12557 - IT (General) - Windows Cache Extension 1.0 for PHP - Released (winca che) Actual result: -------------- VersionControl_Git_Exception: Some errors in executing git command Output: Error: 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. in C:\inetpub\3rd Party Apps\PEAR\pear\VersionControl\Git\Util\RevListFetcher.php on line 90
