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Bug #19641 Pgsql-driver uses rawurlencode() in tableInfo()
Submitted: 2012-10-08 00:54 UTC
From: madsliejensen Assigned: danielc
Status: Wont fix Package: DB (version 1.7.14)
PHP Version: Irrelevant OS:
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2012-10-08 00:54 UTC] madsliejensen (Mads Lie Jensen)
Description: ------------ The postgresql-driver has a weird habit of using rawurlencode() on the values of some flags, when info is retrieved from the tableInfo()-method. This gives some rather unreadable info for example if a field has a default value of now() - that will be displayed as 'default_now%28%29' I'm not sure exactly why these values are rawurlencode()'ed, but it seems to be a bug.


 [2012-10-08 00:55 UTC] madsliejensen (Mads Lie Jensen)
 [2012-10-08 01:18 UTC] danielc (Daniel Convissor)
-Status: Open +Status: Wont fix -Assigned To: +Assigned To: danielc
Here's the commit message for that change: vvvv r149280 | danielc | 2004-01-20 01:48:56 -0500 (Tue, 20 Jan 2004) | 2 lines In tableInfo() flag's default value component: 1) run values through rawurlencode() because spaces would interfere with space separation of the flags list and 2) remove ::datatype from the end since it's already stated in 'type'. ^^^^ Beyond that, the current behavior has been in place for 8 years. People have gotten used to it this way, so changing it now will create compatibility problems.