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Bug #17841 Bugs in PHP-grammar
Submitted: 2010-09-03 03:08 UTC
From: hrniels Assigned:
Status: Open Package: PHP_ParserGenerator (version 0.1.6)
PHP Version: 5.3.2 OS: Linux
Roadmaps: (Not assigned)    

 [2010-09-03 03:08 UTC] hrniels (Nils Asmussen)
Description: ------------ Hi! I'm using this parser-generator for parsing PHP-code. I based my parser on the grammars PHP.y and PHP_Parser.y. During my development I found a few bugs in the grammar: for-statement: COLON -> SEMI switch-statement: inner_statement_list was missing unset: LPAREN -> RPAREN "static_scalar ::= PLUS static_scalar" was missing "static_scalar ::= MINUS static_scalar" was missing Hope this helps! Best regards, Nils
